Mobile App Template Design Guidelines

Mobile apps development is one thing businesses need to take seriously today. Whether you are selecting a mobile app template or you are getting a custom design for your app, you will need to take care of a few things and keep in mind a few guidelines. Let's dive into the things to remember when you are creating a mobile app for your business.

Consistency with your corporate design

Every business already has a "corporate design". This means that you already have business cards, official documents and letter heads that have some design - some look and feel to it. While designing your mobile app, make sure that it falls in line with this design. This means that select the nearest font, select the right colour scheme and you probably already have a logo to begin with.

Well, if you are selecting a mobile app template, make sure that you select the fonts that are nearest to your existing font and colour combinations. For an app template, also decide which parts of the app you are going to customize. Well, finding a template that will suit your business' style could save you a lot of time for development.

The right kind of navigation

When selecting an app template, make sure that the navigation suits your business. You do not want to be stuck with complicated navigation that your customers or employees cannot use. This creates a negative impact on your business. The front page should contain all the apt sections for users to select and browse. Secondly select whether you want to use a tap style or a swipe style of navigation. For example, of you are a news stand or blog type app, make sure that swipes are easy. If you have lots of user generated content, more taps are easy for navigation.

Header designs

If your company already has a logo, it's a great idea to include it in the header. Other options for creating headers would be to create something innovative - but remember that the available space is just 300x74 px. Including your brand name in the header is also a great idea.

Select the right pattern for the various sections

Selecting the right pattern for the various sections of your app is also a good idea. The way you display the content and images on the app will make a difference. For every type of content, you will find that there are several ways of displaying it. Select the layout that will allow you to stress on the most important aspects of your business.

Last but not the least, the splash screen and the icon will be the first interaction with your customers. Make sure it is powerful enough to create the first impression.

Bhatt Digant is a mobile apps template designer working with a reputed mobile apps development company. He writes some basics for new designers, tips for businesses and advanced design tips for all to understand and choose the right approach for building a great mobile app.

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