An Intuitive Look Into IT Auditing

By Amanda Davis

These days, most big companies conduct trades that result in lots of profits. In essence, there are some companies that operate without analyzing the systems put in place to ensure company data is not lost. IT auditing is a big factor in determining the integrity of data.

Audits are crucial when it comes to ensuring effective management. Companies have always had cases of unscrupulous employees colluding with outsiders to steal data for their own selfish ends. With the right mechanisms, such incidences can be easily avoided. Good auditing should cover methods of detecting data loss, fraud, testing security systems and monitoring the compliance of employees to security policies and regulations.

In general, a small sized company would need a good security system more than a large one. This can be attributed to the fact that a small company may not be well cushioned to handle a serious financial loss as a result of a security breach. It may most likely depend on all the profit that it makes to remain afloat in a very competitive world.

System audits cover a very wide area. Typical areas that an auditor would check include the network, operating systems, web service, servers, telecommunications infrastructure and the disaster recovery policy in place. A professional auditor has to adhere to certain rules and procedures to achieve effectiveness while at work. A typical audit begins with risk finding. Once a risk is identified, the expert proceeds to analyze the risk with regards to the control policy that has been documented.

All good auditors should always leave the companies they are serving in better shape than they were before. While there are companies that have a preference for conducting in house audits, others like hiring external professionals for such work. Companies should always strive to use systems that are in line with industry requirements and state laws.

As more and more businesses look to technology to achieve their growth objectives, auditing continues to be an integral part of the entire process. Good auditors should have the ability to pinpoint security threats and vulnerabilities in the systems in use by their clients. A good thing to note is that there are plenty of competent auditing firms based in Sydney.

In general, typical audits can add value to companies in a number of ways. To begin with, they always reduce risks. When planned and properly executed in line with best practices, professionals can easily uncover risks hidden within the information technology environments of concerned companies. Risks are normally associated with integrity, confidentiality and the capacity of information being available when employees need it.

Another primary purpose of carrying out audits in business management is to strengthen controls. Once risks have undergone assessment, mechanisms can be put in place to keep them under control. In this case, poorly designed controls can be reevaluated and finally strengthened. As stated before, business processes ought to comply with laws. There are several state regulations aimed at keeping the way information is processed and shared in check. Auditors should always ensure that all risks undergo stringent assessment and controls undergo implementation. At the end of the day, businesses should be capable of maintaining effective communication. Furthermore, this should be accomplished without compromising security.

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