Top 5 Internet Marketing Trends You Must Know

This morning as I was browsing through my credit card statement while sipping my cup of coffee, I realized something. I realized that more and more of my purchases are getting done online. Even my mom recently discovered that she can shop for groceries online in the comfort of her home, and she is actually doing it more and more often. As an internet marketer, nobody is happier than us to see the blossoming of this online shopping industry that has opened up so many opportunities to make some serious money.

Today let's talk about trends. What are the top trends that you must know to keep you in the game as an internet marketer?

Groom your cult of followers

Who doesn't want to receive daily valuable and engaging content that interests you and suits your specific purpose? The main key to establish your own cult of loyal following customers is to consistently provide them with relevant tips and insights through different channels in an entertaining way. Social media, articles, newsletters, case studies, videos and articles, whe used properly, are all effective channels that can be used to deliver content to your targeted audiences.

A picture speaks a thousand words
Would you prefer to read a 1000 words article, or see a picture that gets you straight to what you want? Sometimes reading a long article is a bit like chewing on a French stick. It's a bit hard, so you have to spend some effort on your jaw, and it's a bit difficult to digest. That's why I grab a sandwich on my way to work. It's easy to chew on and quickly gives me what I want. Of course I do sometimes enjoy my French stick on a leisurely weekend afternoon tea. The rapid rise to fame of image based content like Instagram and Pinterest has spoken for itself how people prefer quickly digestible content in today's fast paced world.

KISS - Keep It Simple and Sweet

That's what my buddy always told me, and there's a reason why KISS has become the buzzword in the workplace. It's no wonder that typical city folk feel burned out by this hectic life, rushing in traffic to work every morning, submitting reports to your boss, presenting to the clients, and handling tons of complains and requests. Nothing rings the bell more than a simple message that promotes goods and services to simplify your customers' life. Keep it simple, simple, simple.

Reach out to multiple channels 

To reach to as many consumers as possible, businesses must branch out to multiple social media and network channels to make their brand recognizable. Just a few years ago, there were only a few limited platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. In recent years, different platforms are blossoming like cherries in the spring. Google+, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram are the new big kids on the block. With the surge in popularity of online marketing, it's certain that there will be more new players to come. Branching out to diverse multiple channels is like broadcasting your advertisement on different radio channels, reaching out to potential customers from all different walks of life.

Is your content Mobile Friendly?

As I'm on my way to work in the subway this morning, guess what I saw people doing the most? Yes! Most of them were looking at their smartphones and tablets. According to Forbes, "87% of connected devices sales by 2017 will be tablets and smartphones." Say bye-bye to the era of newspaper and magazines, say bye-bye to the era of traditional PCs and laptops, and say hello to the age of tablets and smartphones. Everybody loves their information anywhere anytime. It's no longer the question of "is your content mobile ready?" It's the question of "is your content mobile friendly?"

The world is changing fast especially in this era of information explosion. So if you are still not following these latest trends, what are you waiting for? Adopt these five simple rules as the basis of your internet marketing strategy and catapult your business to a new level!

Alexander Mak is a passionate internet marketer from the sunny Singapore. He aspires to help others out of the rat race and achieve financial freedom through internet marketing. He has a free ebook for you. Claim yours and learn more internet marketing tips at []

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