Problem in tablet computers Shield Batteries push to call NVIDIA

NVIDIA, the company said it had summoned its computers tablet "Shield" Shield measuring 8 inches in the United States after the discovery of a problem in their batteries may result in excessive high temperature displays users to the risk of combustion.

The tablet computer aimed at working Android operating system, which is sold at a price ranging between $ 300 and $ 400, gamers, which comes with batteries manufactured to last for a longer period of time.

The NVIDIA company, known industry graphics cards, it will withdraw all tablet computers that were sold in the United States since the product launch in July 2014, and the number of 83,000 units.

Experts estimate that cost the process of withdrawal of defective NVIDIA tablet computers, which confirmed that the replacement process will not harm her in any other product, Mellon dollars at most.Asked NVIDIA own "Shield" tablet computer use only to make a switch on the company's website, after taking a backup copy of their data.

The US company has received four reports of overheating computer batteries due to thermal degradation, including two reports on the cause harm to the floor, according to a statement of the Commission on consumer product safety in the United States.

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