I have recently been thinking about the whole concept of the
internet and the impact it is having on our lives., This whole
explosion, I don't have to explain has arrived in a blink of an eye. I
was just trying to imagine the 100's of thousands of years since the
first recorded evidence of our existence on this beautiful planet of
ours and how millennium after millennium we have co existed on this
living breathing jewel floating about in the infinite expanse of space.
Little by little our numbers have increased from our original family ancestors. Bit by bit the extended family groups have grown, but until recently, I mean just the last ten years or so, which in relation to the time that has passed before us could be explained as just the first nervous impulse prior to a signal being sent along our nervous system to start the movement of our eyes to blink. I hope that you can forgive me being a bit indulgent with my way of explaining but I find this fascinating to consider.
All this time we have been relatively isolated from each other. What I mean by that is we have developed slowly in individual societies across the globe each of us with our individual idiosyncrasies and customs, speaking different languages, wearing different clothes and a whole lot more.
Obviously little by little over the last few centuries we have become more and more integrated and aware of differences in our societies. Radio and TV have accelerated this but nothing has ever happen in such a short space of time as what is happening now.
We have windows into each others lives where distance has been bridged in such a radical way. We can look at each other and speak in real time no matter what where we are. The written word has become instant, and its free to a great extent.
Suddenly we are one big family again, and what is happening? One thing that is so evident is our national identities are rapidly disappearing. We are becoming a one world culture, watching the same things speaking about the same things and sharing our opinions in a way that previously was a dream.
The speed that things are developing is mind blowing. Suddenly we have all mentally linked up. Each one of us that sits in front of our screens and interacts in some way. Whether it be in reading writing or what ever is like a synaptic connection in this global brain, totally incredible!
So what do we have here? Well for me we have the biggest opportunity imaginable. We are rapidly becoming a combined one world nationality. Each one of us has in front of us a means of shifting thought and bridging prejudice. I am sure that over the next few years the staunch ideals of some of the religious houses will have to radically change and integrate their beliefs. I understand that this is a delicate topic and I am not going to go on too long about this right now, but suffice to say, and this is just my lowly opinion, each and every belief that has developed across our planet over thousands of years has to be respected to one degree or another. Each one of them has a valid point of view, regardless of whether we all entirely agree with every part of what one side is saying. If we can learn to at least respect an opinion we will be able in time to set aside our fears and prejudices and work to further the improvement of everyone.
Beyond the deep stuff that is very important to me and I admit I indulge a fair amount of my time considering these things, we have the business angle. Never before have we had such a huge opportunity. We can work from our homes, or for that matter with the incredible advances in mobile technology, laptops and smart phones etc, we can operate a multinational organization from anywhere without an office or directly employed staff. Quite literally we can have subcontractors anywhere on the planet, and again, sorry to repeat but it costs almost nothing to communicate and send huge amounts of data in real time and in a matter of hours we can have the result send back to us and have it implemented immediately.
Apart from that we have pretty well every electronic recourse imaginable right in front of our noses. Quite frankly any one of us with a bit of imagination and the ability to do a bit of research can uncover mountains of, (hypothetically speaking,) unpolished diamonds just lying around right under our noses. If we take a bit of time to learn a few things we can polish these cyber diamonds and put them out for sale.
So for anyone out there that has any doubts or apprehension about making a change in the way you do things all I can say is the only thing that is hindering you from finding massive success in the online world is your own apprehension. It is not by lack of resources tools or knowledge.
I do though fully appreciate that the Internet can be a quite confusing place. It is a bit like an Arab bazaar, filled with sounds colors and all manner of tempting offers. It can, make some people run for cover through information overload.
My advice is to look for something you can understand, whether that is a product or service of what ever description. Try to keep things as simple as possible and try your best not to get side tracked. Really the Internet is not that different from the conventional world in this way. If you walk down any high street in any country there will be all kinds of shops selling all manner of things, food, house hold equipment, furniture, and clothes. The list goes on.
I am sure that few of us go out onto the high street and get almost paralyzed by the shop choices, so we shouldn't let the Internet high street do that to us either.
if you want to make an online business go for something that you can get your head around. If your not a computer wizard a programming super geek don't worry, just be yourself and use the technology to your advantage. Remember you are entering the biggest market place that has ever been imagined, there are potentially billions of customers. Each year that passes and technology matures and the more that our species multiplies the more of a global audience there will be. Everyone is looking for something how ever weird and wacky it may be.
On a slightly more sober note, there are challenges to this type of business as there are challenges with any type of business. Anyone that offers you a deal that seems to good to be true the likely hood is that it is too good to be true! There is nothing in my experience online or offline that is as simple as set it up and sit back for ever more. Remember you have a business and things will and do change. Things go wrong, computers break down just when you can least afford them.
You have to stay on top of these things. There is admin and accounting. There are adjustments and analysis that have to be regularly performed and you have to stay disciplined, quite possibly more disciplined than you have ever been before, in a normal job you probably have a boss breathing down your neck making sure you get the job done. In this game you have to rely on yourself and your own motivation. Take it from me sometimes it can be really tough to drag yourself in front of the computer, but you have to do it.
If you have children as I do, working from home can be very challenging. You are at home and as far as the kids are concerned you are always available. So you have to work round them sometimes. Don't get me wrong there is nothing I would do to change the life I have, and it is really fantastic to see my boys grow up. I wouldn't trade that for anything, but I don't want anyone to think that I am trying to soft talk you into one of my opportunities without thinking really hard about the realities.
The online businesses that I operate in do require work. You are not going to get rich over night and I don't believe anyone that claims they have or you can. I offer solid business opportunities that are workable and tangible. If you are prepared to work hard and are not afraid of a challenge or two you can get very rich but a lot of that will be down to your attitude and ability to learn and follow instructions.
Something that is imperative to the success or failure in your business is the quality of the teaching and training you receive. That can apply to any business online or offline and is not only limited to business you can say the same for sports professionals amongst others.
I am going to be totally straight with you. I am not a grand guru of space, time and continuum. I will leave that to a higher power. I know what I know and I am more than happy to share that with anyone who wants to work with me. I am continually learning like everyone and am sure I will continue to do so until the day my eyes are closed.
Little by little our numbers have increased from our original family ancestors. Bit by bit the extended family groups have grown, but until recently, I mean just the last ten years or so, which in relation to the time that has passed before us could be explained as just the first nervous impulse prior to a signal being sent along our nervous system to start the movement of our eyes to blink. I hope that you can forgive me being a bit indulgent with my way of explaining but I find this fascinating to consider.
All this time we have been relatively isolated from each other. What I mean by that is we have developed slowly in individual societies across the globe each of us with our individual idiosyncrasies and customs, speaking different languages, wearing different clothes and a whole lot more.
Obviously little by little over the last few centuries we have become more and more integrated and aware of differences in our societies. Radio and TV have accelerated this but nothing has ever happen in such a short space of time as what is happening now.
We have windows into each others lives where distance has been bridged in such a radical way. We can look at each other and speak in real time no matter what where we are. The written word has become instant, and its free to a great extent.
Suddenly we are one big family again, and what is happening? One thing that is so evident is our national identities are rapidly disappearing. We are becoming a one world culture, watching the same things speaking about the same things and sharing our opinions in a way that previously was a dream.
The speed that things are developing is mind blowing. Suddenly we have all mentally linked up. Each one of us that sits in front of our screens and interacts in some way. Whether it be in reading writing or what ever is like a synaptic connection in this global brain, totally incredible!
So what do we have here? Well for me we have the biggest opportunity imaginable. We are rapidly becoming a combined one world nationality. Each one of us has in front of us a means of shifting thought and bridging prejudice. I am sure that over the next few years the staunch ideals of some of the religious houses will have to radically change and integrate their beliefs. I understand that this is a delicate topic and I am not going to go on too long about this right now, but suffice to say, and this is just my lowly opinion, each and every belief that has developed across our planet over thousands of years has to be respected to one degree or another. Each one of them has a valid point of view, regardless of whether we all entirely agree with every part of what one side is saying. If we can learn to at least respect an opinion we will be able in time to set aside our fears and prejudices and work to further the improvement of everyone.
Beyond the deep stuff that is very important to me and I admit I indulge a fair amount of my time considering these things, we have the business angle. Never before have we had such a huge opportunity. We can work from our homes, or for that matter with the incredible advances in mobile technology, laptops and smart phones etc, we can operate a multinational organization from anywhere without an office or directly employed staff. Quite literally we can have subcontractors anywhere on the planet, and again, sorry to repeat but it costs almost nothing to communicate and send huge amounts of data in real time and in a matter of hours we can have the result send back to us and have it implemented immediately.
Apart from that we have pretty well every electronic recourse imaginable right in front of our noses. Quite frankly any one of us with a bit of imagination and the ability to do a bit of research can uncover mountains of, (hypothetically speaking,) unpolished diamonds just lying around right under our noses. If we take a bit of time to learn a few things we can polish these cyber diamonds and put them out for sale.
So for anyone out there that has any doubts or apprehension about making a change in the way you do things all I can say is the only thing that is hindering you from finding massive success in the online world is your own apprehension. It is not by lack of resources tools or knowledge.
I do though fully appreciate that the Internet can be a quite confusing place. It is a bit like an Arab bazaar, filled with sounds colors and all manner of tempting offers. It can, make some people run for cover through information overload.
My advice is to look for something you can understand, whether that is a product or service of what ever description. Try to keep things as simple as possible and try your best not to get side tracked. Really the Internet is not that different from the conventional world in this way. If you walk down any high street in any country there will be all kinds of shops selling all manner of things, food, house hold equipment, furniture, and clothes. The list goes on.
I am sure that few of us go out onto the high street and get almost paralyzed by the shop choices, so we shouldn't let the Internet high street do that to us either.
if you want to make an online business go for something that you can get your head around. If your not a computer wizard a programming super geek don't worry, just be yourself and use the technology to your advantage. Remember you are entering the biggest market place that has ever been imagined, there are potentially billions of customers. Each year that passes and technology matures and the more that our species multiplies the more of a global audience there will be. Everyone is looking for something how ever weird and wacky it may be.
On a slightly more sober note, there are challenges to this type of business as there are challenges with any type of business. Anyone that offers you a deal that seems to good to be true the likely hood is that it is too good to be true! There is nothing in my experience online or offline that is as simple as set it up and sit back for ever more. Remember you have a business and things will and do change. Things go wrong, computers break down just when you can least afford them.
You have to stay on top of these things. There is admin and accounting. There are adjustments and analysis that have to be regularly performed and you have to stay disciplined, quite possibly more disciplined than you have ever been before, in a normal job you probably have a boss breathing down your neck making sure you get the job done. In this game you have to rely on yourself and your own motivation. Take it from me sometimes it can be really tough to drag yourself in front of the computer, but you have to do it.
If you have children as I do, working from home can be very challenging. You are at home and as far as the kids are concerned you are always available. So you have to work round them sometimes. Don't get me wrong there is nothing I would do to change the life I have, and it is really fantastic to see my boys grow up. I wouldn't trade that for anything, but I don't want anyone to think that I am trying to soft talk you into one of my opportunities without thinking really hard about the realities.
The online businesses that I operate in do require work. You are not going to get rich over night and I don't believe anyone that claims they have or you can. I offer solid business opportunities that are workable and tangible. If you are prepared to work hard and are not afraid of a challenge or two you can get very rich but a lot of that will be down to your attitude and ability to learn and follow instructions.
Something that is imperative to the success or failure in your business is the quality of the teaching and training you receive. That can apply to any business online or offline and is not only limited to business you can say the same for sports professionals amongst others.
I am going to be totally straight with you. I am not a grand guru of space, time and continuum. I will leave that to a higher power. I know what I know and I am more than happy to share that with anyone who wants to work with me. I am continually learning like everyone and am sure I will continue to do so until the day my eyes are closed.
I am a husband and father of three boys, i have worked in
business all my adult life, travelled extensively living several years
in India and Spain. Due to the financial crisis that flattened my
construction company I have developed a global internet marketing
company. This allows me a lot of time freedom to enjoy my family and non
restricted movement, I can take my business anywhere as long as there
is an internet connection. I love learning new languages and
experiencing all that this beautiful home planet has to show us. I am
committed to helping people realise their full potential and aiding
people to become untangled from financial and personal restrictions.
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