Google launches a new design for the video player on YouTube

Google Inc. on Monday launched a new design for the video player on the Web version of the video sharing site YouTube, provides a transparent interface and an amendment to the control icons.

The advantage of the new design of the video player on YouTube as a "more elegant", and that the control options have become on the video itself surface, compared to the old design was always makes the phenomenon below the video.

Show these options when you pass the cursor over it and disappear after about a second or two of not moving the cursor.

The new design applies to videos embedded in Web pages as well.

YouTube said in his tweet on the social networking site Twitter, "the new design to Mchglna Ossal of squirrel on water skis."

Google is working royal YouTube company greatly improve the user experience in light of the competition, which is now seen before Facebook and other video services.

The Google has announced the beginning of the month of July last that YouTube application on a regular iMac Android OS become supports video playback at 60 frames per second, in a move indicating the extent of the seriousness of the company's high-speed video adoption.

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