Internet Marketing, A Once In A Lifetime Business Opportunity

I have recently been thinking about the whole concept of the internet and the impact it is having on our lives., This whole explosion, I don't have to explain has arrived in a blink of an eye. I was just trying to imagine the 100's of thousands of years since the first recorded evidence of our existence on this beautiful planet of ours and how millennium after millennium we have co existed on this living breathing jewel floating about in the infinite expanse of space.

Little by little our numbers have increased from our original family ancestors. Bit by bit the extended family groups have grown, but until recently, I mean just the last ten years or so, which in relation to the time that has passed before us could be explained as just the first nervous impulse prior to a signal being sent along our nervous system to start the movement of our eyes to blink. I hope that you can forgive me being a bit indulgent with my way of explaining but I find this fascinating to consider.

All this time we have been relatively isolated from each other. What I mean by that is we have developed slowly in individual societies across the globe each of us with our individual idiosyncrasies and customs, speaking different languages, wearing different clothes and a whole lot more.

Obviously little by little over the last few centuries we have become more and more integrated and aware of differences in our societies. Radio and TV have accelerated this but nothing has ever happen in such a short space of time as what is happening now.

We have windows into each others lives where distance has been bridged in such a radical way. We can look at each other and speak in real time no matter what where we are. The written word has become instant, and its free to a great extent.

Suddenly we are one big family again, and what is happening? One thing that is so evident is our national identities are rapidly disappearing. We are becoming a one world culture, watching the same things speaking about the same things and sharing our opinions in a way that previously was a dream.

The speed that things are developing is mind blowing. Suddenly we have all mentally linked up. Each one of us that sits in front of our screens and interacts in some way. Whether it be in reading writing or what ever is like a synaptic connection in this global brain, totally incredible!

So what do we have here? Well for me we have the biggest opportunity imaginable. We are rapidly becoming a combined one world nationality. Each one of us has in front of us a means of shifting thought and bridging prejudice. I am sure that over the next few years the staunch ideals of some of the religious houses will have to radically change and integrate their beliefs. I understand that this is a delicate topic and I am not going to go on too long about this right now, but suffice to say, and this is just my lowly opinion, each and every belief that has developed across our planet over thousands of years has to be respected to one degree or another. Each one of them has a valid point of view, regardless of whether we all entirely agree with every part of what one side is saying. If we can learn to at least respect an opinion we will be able in time to set aside our fears and prejudices and work to further the improvement of everyone.

Beyond the deep stuff that is very important to me and I admit I indulge a fair amount of my time considering these things, we have the business angle. Never before have we had such a huge opportunity. We can work from our homes, or for that matter with the incredible advances in mobile technology, laptops and smart phones etc, we can operate a multinational organization from anywhere without an office or directly employed staff. Quite literally we can have subcontractors anywhere on the planet, and again, sorry to repeat but it costs almost nothing to communicate and send huge amounts of data in real time and in a matter of hours we can have the result send back to us and have it implemented immediately.

Apart from that we have pretty well every electronic recourse imaginable right in front of our noses. Quite frankly any one of us with a bit of imagination and the ability to do a bit of research can uncover mountains of, (hypothetically speaking,) unpolished diamonds just lying around right under our noses. If we take a bit of time to learn a few things we can polish these cyber diamonds and put them out for sale.

So for anyone out there that has any doubts or apprehension about making a change in the way you do things all I can say is the only thing that is hindering you from finding massive success in the online world is your own apprehension. It is not by lack of resources tools or knowledge.

I do though fully appreciate that the Internet can be a quite confusing place. It is a bit like an Arab bazaar, filled with sounds colors and all manner of tempting offers. It can, make some people run for cover through information overload.

My advice is to look for something you can understand, whether that is a product or service of what ever description. Try to keep things as simple as possible and try your best not to get side tracked. Really the Internet is not that different from the conventional world in this way. If you walk down any high street in any country there will be all kinds of shops selling all manner of things, food, house hold equipment, furniture, and clothes. The list goes on.

I am sure that few of us go out onto the high street and get almost paralyzed by the shop choices, so we shouldn't let the Internet high street do that to us either.

if you want to make an online business go for something that you can get your head around. If your not a computer wizard a programming super geek don't worry, just be yourself and use the technology to your advantage. Remember you are entering the biggest market place that has ever been imagined, there are potentially billions of customers. Each year that passes and technology matures and the more that our species multiplies the more of a global audience there will be. Everyone is looking for something how ever weird and wacky it may be.

On a slightly more sober note, there are challenges to this type of business as there are challenges with any type of business. Anyone that offers you a deal that seems to good to be true the likely hood is that it is too good to be true! There is nothing in my experience online or offline that is as simple as set it up and sit back for ever more. Remember you have a business and things will and do change. Things go wrong, computers break down just when you can least afford them.

You have to stay on top of these things. There is admin and accounting. There are adjustments and analysis that have to be regularly performed and you have to stay disciplined, quite possibly more disciplined than you have ever been before, in a normal job you probably have a boss breathing down your neck making sure you get the job done. In this game you have to rely on yourself and your own motivation. Take it from me sometimes it can be really tough to drag yourself in front of the computer, but you have to do it.

If you have children as I do, working from home can be very challenging. You are at home and as far as the kids are concerned you are always available. So you have to work round them sometimes. Don't get me wrong there is nothing I would do to change the life I have, and it is really fantastic to see my boys grow up. I wouldn't trade that for anything, but I don't want anyone to think that I am trying to soft talk you into one of my opportunities without thinking really hard about the realities.

The online businesses that I operate in do require work. You are not going to get rich over night and I don't believe anyone that claims they have or you can. I offer solid business opportunities that are workable and tangible. If you are prepared to work hard and are not afraid of a challenge or two you can get very rich but a lot of that will be down to your attitude and ability to learn and follow instructions.

Something that is imperative to the success or failure in your business is the quality of the teaching and training you receive. That can apply to any business online or offline and is not only limited to business you can say the same for sports professionals amongst others.

I am going to be totally straight with you. I am not a grand guru of space, time and continuum. I will leave that to a higher power. I know what I know and I am more than happy to share that with anyone who wants to work with me. I am continually learning like everyone and am sure I will continue to do so until the day my eyes are closed.

I am a husband and father of three boys, i have worked in business all my adult life, travelled extensively living several years in India and Spain. Due to the financial crisis that flattened my construction company I have developed a global internet marketing company. This allows me a lot of time freedom to enjoy my family and non restricted movement, I can take my business anywhere as long as there is an internet connection. I love learning new languages and experiencing all that this beautiful home planet has to show us. I am committed to helping people realise their full potential and aiding people to become untangled from financial and personal restrictions.

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Importance of Electronic Technology

We have taken steps on the road to the future that can not be retaken or undone. The importance of electronic technology is now ingrained in every fiber of our society, from the lowest station all the way to the coveted office of the President of our country.

Importance of electronic technology flourishes with abandon, doubling upon itself every fourteen to twenty-four months, constantly becoming that which we won't do without, thanks to the growth of technology. Time-consuming tasks that once took hours, even days, are now accomplished in minuets.

Computers and the Internet provide various new methods which have been incorporated for the processing of normal business activities, growing bigger and being customized to the point where it is heavily integrated in the current structures.

Without the Importance of electronic technology, routine tasks that now only take moments, thanks to the computer, would otherwise have taken hours, even days for the compiling of information alone.

The Importance of electronic technology in communications is where news is most called upon. As one of the fastest developing industries in the world, the cell phone has revolutionized the way we live and communicate with each other and the world.

Everyone wants to be informed when a new innovation in the cell phone industry is unveiled. The addition of the internet, as well as GPS navigation systems, sent the communications industries staggering to the bank under the weight of the money being made.

Technology in the Health-care system alone has had long reaching effects. The speed and storage ability of computers has simplified and increased the efficiency of the record keeping systems, this being only the tip of the technological iceberg.

Many hospital systems connect entire departments, from their doctors to the accounting departments, pharmacy, and billing. All use a system called HIS. HIS is a (hospital information system). HIS is software used by all hospitals and integrates most of their departments.

I believe inroads in the field of electronic technology in the Education System need to be explored more extensively. The outrageous cost of a good college education borders on the realm of criminal larceny.
By placing for some an unattainable price on the education of their choice, the educational system is stealing not only their futures, but depriving society of their potential contribution.

An electric path from the past,leads to the importance of electronic technology for the future

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Do I Need a Data Recovery Software?

Hoping that you are not one of the unfortunate individuals that has had their computer crash and had the need for a data recovery software. However, in the event that you are one of these unfortunate individuals, here are some resources to help you avoid the need to use a data recovery software. These are some general tips, but hopefully they will be of service to you.

In choosing a tool successful data recovery is essential to choose one that automatically backs up your files regularly. This is the best way to avoid any loss data in the first place. This can be done with a backup on an external drive or one of the computer disks. Therefore, it will be great if your computer has two drives rather than just one.

These are programs or partition disk cloning and imaging. Make sure the software is reliable before downloading.
  • Cobian Backup free
  • g4y-harddisk image cloning for PCs,
  • PING - Partimage Not Spirit Partition saving
  • DriveImage XML
  • Clone Maxx
  • Dubaron DiskImage
  • WinDD
  • Self Concept
  • Forensic Services Acquisition
  • NFGDump
  • Partimage
  • Ultimate Boot CD
  • SystemRescueCd CD and more if you just surf the web.
Backup hard disk and restore software, here is another list:
  • BackupPC of backup open source
  • Microsoft SyncToy
  • Back4Win
  • Backup Freebyte
  • Cobian Backup
  • Unison File Synchronizer.
These backup files and restore specific file types, such as databases, Microsoft Outlook, e-mail, ZIP files, text, images, etc.

For the problems of accidental removal of anything, here is another list.
  • For the operating system with Windows 2000 and above can get NTFS undelete. Software and all files can be retrieved by this.
  • PCInspector is for you if you need to get the boot sector or hard disk or trouble deleting the partition.
  • ISOBuster gets corrupted media of any DVD or CD, even if so scratched.
  • Recuva is a creative outlet for those eliminated in the recycle bin.
  • FreeUndelete program for Windows that is good to return all the network, drive, or loss of disc.
  • Avira UnErase Personal is another great software for hard disk recovery but not commercial.
These are just some examples of the many other free software programs available data recovery for you out there. There are many more out there that are available, however, some of them can get quite expensive and may outweigh the benefit they provide. Really take the time to explore these services and save yourself the headaches of having to use a data recovery software. We hope they help you avoid the need to have all your data be lost forever.

Online backup services [] shares some powerful data saving and data recovery tips to help you avoid the headaches of losing all your files. Take a look at these free tips at []

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One Key To Success In Life And Business

I have been into personal development for over 15 years and sometimes there are moments that just hit you square in the face and scream 'Pay attention to me'. No doubt you have gone through life and you get these moments, they're called 'A-ha moments', when you just get it, whatever you've been trying to figure out.
There have been quite a few of these moments in my life but none more profound than than the one I'm about to share with you now.
The Key To Success Is Making
Others A Success
Now, you'd think that would be well known and everybody would say 'Duh, I knew that already!' but so few people know of this key or really grasp it's importance.

In any field you happen to be in, if you go out of your way to help people better themselves you will become known as the person to go to.

Be the person to go to

At work I am known as the 'Computer Man', no matter what the problem is; Word documents, excel spreadsheets, trying to find a lost image file, undoing things etc. That's because I love the computers and even though I don't know most of the things on the computer I use the little tab that says 'help' and figure it out within a few minutes. Why do most people ignore this little 'help' button; probably because in every workplace there is always someone like me.

If you make yourself the person to go to at work you can make yourself the person to go to outside work and start a business or a part time venture whereby you become the person to go to in a small niche. You do this by giving away free information, give great advice and generally being a nice person. When you become quite well known for the person to go to, then that's when your business really starts.

My friend, Dragos Roua, has become the guy to go to about blogging, within his circle of friends. And due to this he is now starting to do blogging seminars, why? because he's helped people for free in the past, built up his knowledge while showing others what to do and generally being a nice guy. Now he has another income stream, all because he become the person to go to.

Helping others

When you help others become a success you undoubtedly will become a success yourself, however, you still need the business savvy and the business guts to put yourself out there.

Never call yourself an expert, let others call you the expert, but put it out there that you know what you're talking about and help others achieve what they want to achieve.

I realised this a while ago but am only now beginning to put into motion the second stage of this and that is having the business guts to get out there.

What's your story?

Have you realised this key already, if so what's your story and how did it help yourself and others?
Steven Aitchison is the author of 4 books, and also authors the UKs no1 Personal Development blog Change Your Thoughts. You can sign up to to his blog and receive 3 free ebooks. Sign up now at Change Your Thoughts

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Top 7 Tips for Home Security

Home security has become very important whether you live in a large city or a small town. Knowing that your home and valuables are protected can give you piece of mind when you have to be away from your house or apartment for any length of time. There are many way you can go about protecting your valuables.
Locks: Making sure that your windows and doors are locked at all time is a good start to making your house secure from thieves. If you plan to be away from your home for several days, it is a good idea to make sure that all the windows are locked including those on the second floor.

Lighting: Making sure you have adequate lighting around your house is a good way to keep intruders off your property especially if you install motion detection lights. As well you will want to have automatic garage doors that will turn on a light in the garage when they are opened.

Fire Escape Ladders: Although a fire escape ladder isn't often thought of as part of a home security plan, you might want to consider having one if you have a two story home. They aren't that expensive and could be vital for your safety if a fire occurs in your home or apartment.

Guard Dog: If you own a business with a large yard you may have considered having a guard dog on the property. However, have you considered a guard dog for your personal property? Whether they become a family pet or not, considering a guard dog is another security option for your home and property.

Burglar Alarm: If you have an older home installing a burglar doesn't have to be difficult as there are many wireless options to choose from. There are other options that can go along with a burglar alarm including motion sensors and cameras. For more security the burglar alarm can be hooked up to a security company who will monitor the alarm.

Home Surveillance System: A home surveillance system generally includes a number of cameras installed around your house as well as a closed circuit television that can be hooked up to your home computer or a security company. It is also possible to view what is happening around your house on any computer whether you are at home or in another city.

Safe Room: This is perhaps the last resort in home security. Also known as a panic room, these are generally secure windowless rooms that are built out of concrete or steel. A sophisticated safe room will also have a telephone and computer system that will allow you to contact the authorities in case of a break-in.
There are many different home security systems available today. Find the one that not only fits your budget but gives you piece of mind for you and your family.

No matter where you live or what size house you live in, finding an affordable security system is fairly simple. For peace of find and to deter unwanted intruders, protecting your home and belonging has become more important these days. For more information on home security check out

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An Easy Fix to Home Leaking Problems

Leaking problems in your home can cause quite a mess and be a real pain. Solutions are easier than you think. They do not cost a lot of your hard-earned cash, or involve any major fixes. Products that feature liquid absorbent technology are cutting edge, and can catch leaks before they even reach the floor.

Chemical cleaners and other materials can really add up and bite into your pocket book. In this case, products which use absorbent technology can come to your aid. These products contain and absorb liquids, gallons at a time. Furthermore, the products can be continuously use, as the liquid contained therein will evaporate eventually.

A variety of leaking problems can plague you when you are a homeowner. These can range from an appliance which leaks, cracks in your foundation, improper drainage or a broken pipe. Water overflowing from a plant pot is a minor inconvenience, but water in the basement is a more major worry.

Leaking problems in a basement are the most troublesome because they can be caused by improper drainage or grading. If your budget doesn't allow for major renovations to the landscape, you could prevent water damage by placing water absorbent materials where leaks tend to occur. In basements, water often comes in around windows, drains, or at the joints where the wall meets the floor.

Leaking problems in a garage can be plentiful. If you park your vehicles in the garage, oil, transmission fluid, antifreeze, or brake fluid can leak and ruin your flooring. Your lawn mower, snow blower, barbecue grill and other equipment that uses some type of fluid can spring a leak as well. Preventive steps, like placing fluid absorbent mats or pads under these items, will protect flooring and save on cleanup costs.

Rather than deal with a leak, a more effective solution is to prevent them. Absorbent products can be put into place under or around anything that has the potential to leak. Besides common items like pipes, refrigerators, washing machines, hot water tanks, paint cans and bottles holding liquids, look around the house for things you might naturally overlook, like plants on a table, an aquarium, the pets feeding dishes and an infants highchair. By using absorbing mats, any liquid drips or messes are caught so theres no worrying about cleanup and stains on floors or furniture.

Without a doubt, you're bound to have leaking problems in your home at some point. But by taking preventive action to minimize their damage, you protect the value of your home. Real estate professionals point out that permanent stains, such as those caused by oil leaks, can lower a homes value.

Certain parts of the country are prone to severe weather, severe rain, snow storms, flooding or even hurricanes. In these areas, leaking problems are more widespread. If there are gaps, such as around doors and basement windows, or if your garage doors do not fit properly, water can seep in. There are products available which are water absorbent and fit very snugly in these problem areas, absorbing a gallon of water or more at any one time.

Look for detailed information about your leaking problems . Be sure to sign up for our free newsletter at and get our free report. A toll free resource is available on our site to answer any questions.

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Making Home Based Business Marketing Plans Work

Those who operate home based businesses are getting more creative with their marketing plans. At one time, the most common method for network marketers was to simply present the information to friends and family members. As network marketers have bounced from one organization to the next, they eventually became members of the NFL, or simply no friends left.

Over the years, companies have made millions generating network marketing and home based business leads for NFL members as well as new network marketers who simply did not want to approach their warm market. The companies entice internet surfers to submit their information and become a lead for someone looking to sign up new network marketers.

There are well over 200 marketing possibilities available to home based business owners. Of course, just about all new network marketers ask the same exact question. They all want to know what marketing method works best.

Usually, new home based business owners will gravitate to a simple marketing method that they have been told is easy to duplicate. Buying names and phone numbers and calling those people while reading a script to them is probably the most common.

Less than five percent of the people who start a new home based business ever make any money from the business. There are several reasons for the failure rate, but one big reason is that most new marketers choose a marketing plan that is not a match for them. Lots of them try to call people and read scripts, but if their hearts are not in it, they never really connect with the people at the other end of the phone.

Others see internet marketing as the cool and clean way to market their network marketing business. Most, who try to market on the internet, don't make any money. Internet marketers who succeed don't rely on the "Field of Dreams" theory. The motto of that baseball movie was "Build it and they will come". As many internet marketers who have built fancy websites realize, they don't just come. They need to get them there.
Many who think they can succeed using internet marketing as the primary method of generating sales for their home based business never make any money. Either they are not tech oriented or they just don't properly market their websites. Either way, internet marketing was not a match for them.

By now, you may be catching on to the theme here. It's not good enough to choose a marketing method that people say you can duplicate or one you think looks cool. Network marketers have to choose the marketing method that is the best match for them.

When network marketers stop just following the leader and expose themselves to all the marketing possibilities, they are able to logically choose the best marketing plan for them. If home based business owners choose a method that involves activities they enjoy, they will take the time to learn all about it. Don't you like to read and watch films about things you enjoy?

If network marketers choose a plan they enjoy working, they will probably stick with it until they start generating income and that is more than half the battle. On average it takes at least three attempts at something to have success. Did you know the average network marketer makes less than one attempt? That's because so many quit in the planning stage.

Most of the time network marketers are forced by others into marketing plans that are not a match for them. The marketing method may require them to do activities they don't look forward to, like calling strangers on the phone or reading complex internet marketing books.

Whenever network marketers try to work a marketing plan that involves activities they don't enjoy, they will look for ways to avoid working. Most people don't really fail with a network marketing business that they are committed to. The failures just tend to gradually drift away from performing the activities that would lead to the success they desire. Owners of home based businesses, who don't perform the required activities, don't make money.

Dean Marino has gained a reputation over the years as the home based travel business expert for good reason. He is a respected trainer and mentor to successful home based business owners throughout the industry and widely regarded as an expert on the subject of travel.

As an avid traveler, Marino has flown over one million miles just with U S Airways and several hundred thousand miles with other airlines. He is a Hilton Diamond VIP member (over 27 stays per year), an Avis First member (the rental car company's highest elite level status) and a travel agent.

He built much of his reputation in the home based travel business industry during his days as training coordinator for the largest and most successful group in the Coastal Vacations home based travel business program. Marino taught members over 170 marketing methods as chief trainer with the Coastal Sales Center Group from 2005 until 2008.

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How Do You Know If Your Web Site is Good For Your Company?

By first answering the question: "Why do you have a web site?"

If you are in business today you do need a web site. It may be only to provide a "lookup" presence - equivalent to a (nearly obsolete) phone book listing. But there is no longer any doubt that without a web site you have no credibility as a current, active, enterprise. At a minimum, you need a one page web site that provides contact information and a summary of what you do or sell.

Where you go from there, in terms of web site development, depends on the rest of your answer to the question: "Why do you have a web site?".

A few of the most common reasons are:

* To generate leads.

* To get sales.

* To save on printing costs.

* To provide customer support.

* To reduce nuisance phone calls.

* To qualify leads.

* To provide/establish credentials.

* To educate.

* To satisfy your ego.


If generating leads is the top priority for your web site then Search Engine Optimization has to be your #1 overriding factor when designing the web site and creating the content. You cannot get leads from a web site that gets no traffic, no matter how beautiful the design or how perfect your grammar.


Contrary to first impressions this is not the same as, or even a necessary follow on, to leads. Many companies will never be able to make a sale directly from their web site. Some products or services just do not lend themselves to a "self service" model. By the same token, you may not need to generate leads with this web site - even though you are making sales. You may be generating your leads in another way and just handling the sales transactions online.

If you are selling on your web site, then you must concentrate on making that experience the best it can be for your visitor. Every page, the design, the function, and all of the content is there solely to assist in the sale.

Saving on Printing

Catalogues, brochures, portfolios, instruction sheets, etc., can be very costly to print and to distribute. They also have the annoying habit of being out of date the instant they are printed. Your main reason for a web site may be to save time and money by providing materials (that would have otherwise been printed) to your visitors. If this is your priority then the organization of your web site and the ease of finding and printing off the materials will be most important.

Customer Support

This can be as simple as providing driving instructions and business hours to your place of business, and as complicated as a fully automated help desk. Providing (at least some) service to your clients 24/7, is a task that your web site can do at very little cost when compared to hiring people to be available around the clock. To be effective you need to put yourself in your client's shoes and ask yourself what are they going to want - that you can provide easily - on your web site? Better yet - ask your clients!

Reducing Nuisances

Providing customer support on-line (as above) can help reduce the number of calls your staff many need to field. But it may be that your company is strictly wholesale - and you currently get a lot of unwanted phone calls or emails from the public. If done correctly your web site could identify you more strongly as wholesales only - or better yet direct your nuisance leads to a company that wants them! You may even be able to work out a referral deal for the leads you send their way.

Qualify Leads

Perhaps your challenge is not too few leads but too many leads that go nowhere. Your web site could be put to work qualifying your leads for you. A questionnaire, a test, or a "referred by" form could be used to your advantage. Or some well written text that describes what you do not do - or who you do not serve will satisfy this requirement.

Provide/Establish Credentials

Many service oriented companies and professionals live or die based on their credentials. Often these credentials are complicated and lengthy and need to be added to, or updated frequently. A web site is the ideal place to expound (ad nauseaum if need be) on your experience, training, affiliations, certifications, memberships, published work, samples, past projects, research, etc.


It may be that providing information is your best bet to business success (at Back2Front we sure think so). Or maybe you are an educator by trade and providing some for free is your best way to sell more for a fee. Either way, a web site based on education will likely grow over time, and could end up being a very large web site - so plan for this in advance. Consistency in style, naming, and presentation, as well as a good navigation system will be necessary for success in this type of web site.

Satisfy Your Ego

I put ego on the list because its better to acknowledge and prioritize it than to pretend it doesn't exist. Let's face it, if you are the owner of the company, it is your baby and you are justifiably proud of it! Your company is a reflection of you, and your web site is a reflection of your company. So of course you want it to be impressive, beautiful, unique... as awesome as you are! OK, feel better now? Just prioritize the needs of your ego appropriately with your other goals and make sure your ego does not get in the way of the success of your web site. For example: if lead generation was your highest priority - then you would decide not to include that impressive, animated, flash, intro-page that prevents the search engines from indexing your site properly, no matter how much your ego wanted it.

There is usually more than one reason for having a web site, and therefore the web site may have to satisfy more than one set of requirements. Identifying your reasons and then placing them in order of importance will help you prioritize when resolving conflicts between requirements.

Knowing why you have a web site in the first place will go a long way to helping you decide what kind of web site you need, or whether or not the web site you already have is good for your business.

By Candace Carter, Back2Front - The Web Site People, 2007

Candace Carter is an artist, web designer, computer programmer, entrepreneur, writer and public speaker.

Educated in Fine Art at the University of Guelph and in Computer Programming at the University of Ryerson, she has worked in web development for high-tech firms Sun Microsystems, MCI-WorldCom and Tucows.

Candace launched Back2Front - The Web Site People with a partner in 2002. Back2Front's growing team of web developers work from home, reducing environmental impact by eliminating the daily commute.

Back2Front is one of the most successful website management companies in the GTA, providing unlimited fully-managed website service for a flat, per-page fee to a large roster of business clientèle.

Candace is an accomplished public speaker with a friendly and knowledgeable style. She is an expert in web design, human/computer user interface and search engine optimization.

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Internet Business is a Portable Business

What It Takes to Go Online

There are two resounding traits that help entrepreneurs overcome the challenges of starting a business and reaping the rewards of their labor. Just like opening a physical store, setting up shop online takes passion and demands a high level of optimism. The passion is the desire on the part of the entrepreneur to find something he or she loves to do and make a career out of it. Positive thinking allows a person to stay focused in the face of cynicism from banks, peers and competitors. A "yes, I can" attitude quickly translates to "Wow, it's working" as an online business opens its doors to the world.

Moving a business online doesn't have to be an arduous process. To set up an online business, entrepreneurs should apply their passion and positive thinking to three key areas:

1. The planning process. Everything an entrepreneur needs to know, consider and decide before starting an e-commerce site.

2. Developing a marketing strategy. Determining how to get the word out and how to maintain good relationships with customers.

3. Understanding technology needs. The tricks and tools that make it all happen.

The Planning Process First and foremost, every small-business owner needs a well-thought plan. The Internet is the best place to find information, learn from peers and effectively manage resources to formulate a plan that is perfect for a particular business and its owner.

The plan should look at every aspect of the proposed online business with a critical eye. There are several important questions to address here.

Does the web make sense for this business? We've already established that the web has immense power to transform a business. With that said, sometimes a product just doesn't seem to lend itself to online sales--at least at first glance. Businesses like amusement parks, bowling alleys and utility companies either require the customer to be on-site or offer a product that is largely intangible. But even for those types of businesses, customers have come to expect an online presence. A company can sell tickets or offer discounts through its website, show images and videos of its facilities, set up online games that relate to and increase demand for its offerings, or enable customers to make payments over the internet.

What are other companies doing? Just as with their brick-and-mortar stores, online entrepreneurs must understand the competition if they hope to survive. A competitive analysis will help equip online business owners with the information needed to promote and differentiate their online businesses.

The leap for entrepreneurs who open their doors on the Internet, however, is learning not just what other competitors in their physical geography are doing to spark sales, but also what the competitors who share their cyberspace are offering. Say you want to sell beauty products online. A keyword search for "lipstick" in Google, eBay and online shopping portals offers a glimpse at which competitors come up most often and highest on the list. Then, a look at those competitors' product selections, pricing structures, promotional offers and target audiences can help shape your own storefront to stand out from the gaggle of competitors.
This can be a time-consuming process, but it's invaluable research that costs hours rather than dollars. In this instance, time is money that will be returned many times over.

If there are already businesses in this space, it's important to differentiate. Perhaps offer a more comprehensive set of products or services. Maybe the business will have a customer service or technology advantage, or consider tailoring the product to a niche market.

What types of resources will the business need? The doors of an online business never close. By not running a 24/7 operation, online business owners may fail to fulfill orders in the manner promised--a surefire way to lose customers and miss the chance to build loyalty. Internet businesses need to operate full time, so entrepreneurs must be realistic about how much help they will need.

Typically, online business owners find that their hands quickly fill up with the chores and challenges involved in simply running their businesses. They'll often turn to web experts, or professionals who coordinate online business tasks every day. With the numbers of well-trained web professionals out there today, consider these possibilities when looking to hire:
  • Hire someone who will be dedicated solely to web management, if the nature and size of the business supports it.
  • Hire temporary employees to help set up the business and bring them back periodically to make changes to the site, expand online capabilities or launch new ventures.
  • Outsource the development, design and hosting of the website and rely on an outside organization to keep it up to date and to manage growth.
  • Use an "e-commerce in a box" product to set up an e-commerce site. These products typically charge a monthly fee (around $25) and provide an online store with virtual shopping carts (locations where shoppers electronically place the items they want to buy). They also include online catalogs, customized product pages, tools that help merchants list their products and services on online auction and shopping sites, secure online payment options, discount coupons for customers, and technical support.
Who is your target audience? Anytime a business opens its products or services to a new market, management must consider the geographic, demographic and socio-economic factors that determine how it will approach the consumer. Some offerings, such as toys, school supplies or nursing services may be targeted primarily to a specific age group. Other products or services, like snow blowers or swimming pool supplies, could target a specific set of geographic areas. Every audience is unique, so merchants should tailor their marketing and communications in a way that connects consumers to their businesses.

How far will the business cast its net? In a global economy it's entirely possible that a small business owner could start the morning with an e-mail from Milan, asking if he'll accept payment in Euros with a CartaSi credit card. Online entrepreneurs must understand that, from day one, they are international businesses with display windows and checkout stations in every corner of the globe.

A business could tell its customers that it ships only to North American locations or accepts only U.S. dollars. But it may turn out that the overseas market is the company's very best sales opportunity. Therefore it's important for the online business to determine how it will work with customers in foreign nations. How will shipping be handled? Is the company prepared to convert currencies? How will the business communicate with customers who speak different languages?

Online businesses should consider not excluding an eager marketplace just because it seems difficult to serve. There are several services that make it easier for international visitors to order from a U.S. store. PayPal, for instance, accepts payment on behalf of merchants in U.S. dollars, Canadian dollars, Euros, Pounds Sterling, Japanese Yen, and Australian dollars. The major U.S. credit cards accept purchases from foreign countries and make the necessary monetary conversions for the buyer.

What about shipping charges? Online shopping breaks down most often over shipping charges. Imagine this: A customer sees a great price for just the product she's been searching for. After entering the information on the electronic order form, she is startled to see a huge shipping fee tacked onto the price. The result? By barely lifting a finger, the shopper clicks off the site and goes elsewhere.

Some online companies absorb shipping charges; others include them in the listed price and offer "free" shipping. All the major postal carriers have websites that allow merchants to calculate the shipping charge for any item, based on weight and location.

Shipping efficiency and pricing can be major competitive advantages or hand grenades in an online store's shopping cart. Try to make a profit on shipping charges--your store is more likely to lose the sale than gain the margin.

What are the elements of the customer service policy? Because customers expect to be able to contact a company with questions, special requests or problems related to ordering, online businesses should offer an e-mail address or phone number for customer service inquiries. Not only is customer service a great way to build loyalty, but it's also a valuable feedback mechanism--customers are all too ready to sing your praises or call out improvements that need to be made to your product, service or image.

An important aspect of customer service is deciding how quickly the business will respond to customer inquiries and complaints (phone or e-mail). This response time should be realistic and consistent. If the policy says all phone calls will be answered within two minutes or returned the same day, that timeline becomes a pledge to the customer. Nothing frustrates an online shopper more than sending an e-mail to an address listed on a shopping site and waiting hours, days or interminably for a response. To keep customers on the site, businesses must keep them in the loop.

Well if you are a Big thinker and would like to look and investigate a great business model that is dominating the market of direct sales and the personal development industry go to [] and Look for yourself

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Technology is Your Friend - Now How to Manage it All

Technology can seem like your best friend or your worst enemy. The truth is that technology is always your friend-you just have to know how to manage it. By taking control of the technological tools available to you, you can streamline your life, effectively manage your time, and essentially get your life back. This article provides some of the technology tools you can use and the ways you can manage the technology in your life better.

All-in-one systems
There are several all-in-one technology systems to help to streamline and organize your life. For example, many cell phones now have multiple features such as calendars, contact systems, email, notes and more. Imagine all this functionality, packed into a little device that fits in your purse or pocket. The drawback of an all-in-one system is that if something happens to the device then all of your information goes with it, right? Not exactly. Sync this device with your computer and create an automatic backup file that will protect your precious data.

Taking it one step further, you can also sync this with your email system (Outlook, Yahoo!, Gmail, etc.). Most email systems have a calendar, notes section, and contact system, which creates an additional backup of all your information. This prevents you from having to double-enter information like email addresses and appointments, and provides anytime, anywhere access from any computer or mobile device.

Let's use Mary as an all-in-one device user example.....

Mary is an advertising road warrior, traveling from client location to client location. Mary uses her iPhone as her all in one system. She takes photos of clients products for her records, keeps their contact information in her address book, takes notes using the handy notepad, and emails them to herself as needed. She also keeps track of her appointments thanks to the convenient calendar.

Every night when Mary gets home from her busy day, she simply places her iPhone on its cradle and hooks the USB to her computer. All of the information she has added to her iPhone for that day automatically updates on her computer. Mary uses Yahoo! as her email provider. When the iPhone finishes its sync with her computer, her computer automatically syncs with her Yahoo! In 1-2 minutes and one simple placement of the phone on the cradle, Mary has connected her phone information to her computer and her email provider.
Mary manages her technology instead of her technology managing her.

Voice-activated systems
We've all been there. We are driving in our car and a million thoughts race through our minds - all the things we have to attend to, and all of the urgent emails that impatiently await our reply. Unfortunately, unless you pull over every time one of these thoughts pops into your brain, then you have to wait until you get to your destination, which by then you have forgotten half of what you thought of while driving.

A voice activated all-in-one system, like Jott, is an easy way to manage everything you have to juggle in your daily life (and remember while driving or doing something else). It connects all of your technology for you, and all you have to do is speak what's on your mind. This is especially helpful for the technologically challenged. Simply set up your Jott account at, call the Jott toll-free, tell Jott where you want your message to go (in your calendar, in an email to a friend, on your to-do list, or to a friend), and then wand your message. Voila-it's done. Voice activation is a great, virtually hands-free way to manage all of your technology with the sound of your voice.

Be consistent-use it regularly
Whether it's an all-in-one device, a voice activated system, or another piece of technology you use to manage your life, the key to managing it is to use regularly and consistently. Put your system in place and make it work in whatever way makes the most sense for you. The more you use, the better you will get to know it and the easier it will become to use.

Technology may interest you or it may frighten you. Either way, technology just keeps get better and better and learning how to use it now is sure to make your quality of life better and better, too.

Lifestyle Mentor, Personal Coach, Author, Educator, and Entrepreneur, David B. Bohl is the creator of Slow Down FAST. To learn more about this step-by-step strategy for Living YOUR Life YOUR way, and to sign up for his 9 FREE Tips for Finding Happiness in a Fast-Paced World, free teleseminars, free Special Report, free bi-monthly ezine and more, go to:

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The Evolution of Technology - The History of Computers

While computers are now an important part of the lives of human beings, there was a time where computers did not exist. Knowing the history of computers and how much progression has been made can help you understand just how complicated and innovative the creation of computers really is.

Unlike most devices, the computer is one of the few inventions that does not have one specific inventor.

Throughout the development of the computer, many people have added their creations to the list required to make a computer work. Some of the inventions have been different types of computers, and some of them were parts required to allow computers to be developed further.

The Beginning

Perhaps the most significant date in the history of computers is the year 1936. It was in this year that the first "computer" was developed. It was created by Konrad Zuse and dubbed the Z1 Computer. This computer stands as the first as it was the first system to be fully programmable. There were devices prior to this, but none had the computing power that sets it apart from other electronics.

It wasn't until 1942 that any business saw profit and opportunity in computers. This first company was called ABC computers, owned and operated by John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry. Two years later, the Harvard Mark I computer was developed, furthering the science of computing.

Over the course of the next few years, inventors all over the world began to search more into the study of computers, and how to improve upon them. Those next ten years say the introduction of the transistor, which would become a vital part of the inner workings of the computer, the ENIAC 1 computer, as well as many other types of systems. The ENIAC 1 is perhaps one of the most interesting, as it required 20,000 vacuum tubes to operate. It was a massive machine, and started the revolution to build smaller and faster computers.

The age of computers was forever altered by the introduction of International Business Machines, or IBM, into the computing industry in 1953. This company, over the course of computer history, has been a major player in the development of new systems and servers for public and private use. This introduction brought about the first real signs of competition within computing history, which helped to spur faster and better development of computers. Their first contribution was the IBM 701 EDPM Computer.

A Programming Language Evolves

A year later, the first successful high level programming language was created. This was a programming language not written in 'assembly' or binary, which are considered very low level languages. FORTRAN was written so that more people could begin to program computers easily.

The year 1955, the Bank of America, coupled with Stanford Research Institute and General Electric, saw the creation of the first computers for use in banks. The MICR, or Magnetic Ink Character Recognition, coupled with the actual computer, the ERMA, was a breakthrough for the banking industry. It wasn't until 1959 that the pair of systems were put into use in actual banks.

During 1958, one of the most important breakthroughs in computer history occurred, the creation of the integrated circuit. This device, also known as the chip, is one of the base requirements for modern computer systems. On every motherboard and card within a computer system, are many chips that contain information on what the boards and cards do. Without these chips, the systems as we know them today cannot function.
Gaming, Mice, & the Internet.

For many computer users now, games are a vital part of the computing experience. 1962 saw the creation of the first computer game, which was created by Steve Russel and MIT, which was dubbed Spacewar.
The mouse, one of the most basic components of modern computers, was created in 1964 by Douglass Engelbart. It obtained its name from the "tail" leading out of the device.

One of the most important aspects of computers today was invented in 1969. ARPA net was the original Internet, which provided the foundation for the Internet that we know today. This development would result in the evolution of knowledge and business across the entire planet.

It wasn't until 1970 that Intel entered the scene with the first dynamic RAM chip, which resulted in an explosion of computer science innovation.

On the heels of the RAM chip was the first microprocessor, which was also designed by Intel. These two components, in addition to the chip developed in 1958, would number among the core components of modern computers.

A year later, the floppy disk was created, gaining its name from the flexibility of the storage unit. This was the first step in allowing most people to transfer bits of data between unconnected computers.

The first networking card was created in 1973, allowing data transfer between connected computers. This is similar to the Internet, but allows for the computers to connect without use of the Internet.

Household PC's Emerge

The next three years were very important for computers. This is when companies began to develop systems for the average consumer. The Scelbi, Mark-8 Altair, IBM 5100, Apple I and II, TRS-80, and the Commodore Pet computers were the forerunners in this area. While expensive, these machines started the trend for computers within common households.

One of the most major breathroughs in computer software occurred in 1978 with the release of the VisiCalc Spreadsheet program. All development costs were paid for within a two week period of time, which makes this one of the most successful programs in computer history.

1979 was perhaps one of the most important years for the home computer user. This is the year that WordStar, the first word processing program, was released to the public for sale. This drastically altered the usefulness of computers for the everyday user.

The IBM Home computer quickly helped revolutionize the consumer market in 1981, as it was affordable for home owners and standard consumers. 1981 also saw the the mega-giant Microsoft enter the scene with the MS-DOS operating system. This operating system utterly changed computing forever, as it was easy enough for everyone to learn.

The Competition Begins : Apple vs. Microsoft

Computers saw yet another vital change during the year of 1983. The Apple Lisa computer was the first with a graphical user interface, or a GUI. Most modern programs contain a GUI, which allows them to be easy to use and pleasing for the eyes. This marked the beginning of the out dating of most text based only programs.
Beyond this point in computer history, many changes and alterations have occurred, from the Apple-Microsoft wars, to the developing of microcomputers and a variety of computer breakthroughs that have become an accepted part of our daily lives. Without the initial first steps of computer history, none of this would have been possible.

Rebecca Blain is a professional hobbyist writer who enjoys taking care of her fish and educating people about how to build your own computer which you can learn about here:

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HTML Explained: Part 2

Get started creating web pages using text files and HTML code! This article is a continuation of HTML Explained: Part 1, which gives a general overview of HTML. Here, we're going to get into the nitty gritty of the code itself. Once you see how simple it really is, you should RUN, not walk to the nearest bookstore and grab your own copy of a handy HTML manual. All right, let's begin.

In viewing the source of web pages, you may have noticed a lot of these things: . They're called HTML tags, and they're what the computer uses to interpret the HTML code.

NOTE: in this article I had to add spaces to all of my HTML tags so that I could display them without actually having them work. There are two HTML tricks to actually "shutting off" HTML tags, but neither of them function properly in this submission box.

The HTML tags shown here will display like so: but in reality you're supposed to type them like so:
<fake tag></fake>

A friend of mine describes HTML tags as "on/off switches." An easy example which you may be well-familiar with, is the Bold command. To "turn on" Bold, type (but with no spaces). All of the text that comes after the Bold tag, will then be Bolded. To "turn off" the bold characteristic, type . Any text that comes after the "bold off" tag will unbolded.

It's worth mentioning that in all cases, all text that falls between an "on" or "off" HTML tag will take on the characteristic of that tag descriptor. How much text can you put in between two HTML tags? As much or as little as you want. That means, you can use just a couple of HTML tags to design paragraphs and paragraphs of text.

What are some other HTML tags that web designers frequently use?

and (for italics)
and (for underline)
(to create a single line break).
In most but not all cases, if you activate an HTML tag by enclosing it in these: s, you must also deactivate it at some point, as in and for italics shown above. An exception to this rule is , or paragraph separator tags, and or line breaks.

Specifying Multiple Text Characteristics Within a Single HTML Tag
HTML tags work in different ways, depending on the aspect of the design they're controlling. As I mentioned above, you can control all elements of web design via HTML code--page separation, text formatting, image placement, design layout, and hyperlink insertion. For this reason, one HTML tag can include multiple variables. This sounds a lot trickier than it is.

For example, a tag with multiple variables enclosed all in one of these: , can be used to format text. An equals (=) sign is used to specify multiple characteristics within a single HTML tag. To tag a section of text for font specs, begin with:

(but with no end spaces).

If you wanted to, you could also include a color for the text within that tag. The color is entered in the same way as the font face and size, and is named within its own set of quotation marks either in a basic name such as "black" or "red", or a 6-digit numerical code that begins with a number sign.

So, an HTML tag that designates a paragraph typed in Arial font at the 2nd smallest size of type, in the color black, would look like this:

All of the type that came after this HTML tag would take on the characteristics above. Once you wanted to "shut off" the font characteristics of that blurb of text, you would type the tag .

Using HTML Tags to Add Images to Your Web Page

Now suppose you wanted to add an image to your webpage. And let's assume the image was already located in the folder of your website where images are stored. In order to make the image appear in your NEW web page, you need:

1. the complete web address of your website (such as,

2. the folder (or subdirectory) on your server where images are kept, and
3. the file name of the image (ends in .jpg).

The HTML code used to "pick up" an image from a source is IMG SRC. As always, it belongs inside those handy bracket-things. So your tag would begin:

By typing that HTML tag with the specific web address and folder information/filename within quotation marks, the computer knows the origin of the image, and will then "hyperlink it" into your web page.

If you're ever unsure of the filepath of an image you need, go to the webpage where it's located and then right-click the image. Under "properties", you'll find the complete URL path that must be typed in between the two quotation marks that fall inside your Image Source tag.

Note: you do not need to "shut off" an image tag.

You can also include multiple variables within a single image tag. For example, if you wanted to left-align the above image, you'd edit the above tag to look like this:

Hyperlink Tags for Email and Website Addresses

Ever wonder how webmasters create live links? A live link might say something like, "Click here for more info!" and then when you click there, you're suddenly transported to a new web page. A live link is simply type covering a website address. Check it out:

Visit Wordfeeder for more info!
That's HTML code for "hyperlinked text". It looks weird, but think about it this way. The first part in that's enclosed in these: , is what turns on the "make the following words into a link that leads to the address I am typing here" function. The end tag, is what "shuts off" the "hypertext linking" feature and will then let you resume typing in normal, unlinked text.
As you can see, by typing a few simple HTML tags, you can create some pretty amazing things. This article is just the tip of the iceberg. I hope that the explanations and examples shown have at least provided a basic understanding of HTML for you. A great way to learn is by "studying" other people's web page code from the View>Source window. You practice by copying their HTML code into your own fake pages, and filling in the "meat" between their "on" and "off" tags with text and images that suit your own purposes. But be careful. If you paste HTML incorrectly, you can totally wreck and corrupt your document.
For folks who want to get into serious design, I highly recommend that you buy a comprehensive HTML guide. Once you get the hang of HTML, there's no telling what you can create!
Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.

Liked this article? Have more of the same emailed to your inbox each month. Sign up for the Copywriting and Marketing Ezine from Dina at and learn to write search engine friendly web copy and market your web based business for free.

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HTML Explained: Part 1

Want to save money while promoting your web-based business? Of course you do. Here's some advice on the matter, from a freelance copywriter who knows: it pays to learn the basics of HTML.

If you're like me (stubborn), you've probably been dodging HTML for many years. All that code mushed together... it's distressing to look at! But here's the thing: HTML is your friend. He might be ugly, but he's a good guy to have on your side.

Once you get a basic understanding of how HTML works, the gibberish starts to make sense. And that's when you'll realize how easy it is to create web pages for your own business without having to 1. pay a designer thousands of dollars, or 2. purchase one of those expensive web design programs.

Let's start with a general explanation. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It's the basis for every single design element you see on a web page: layout, copy, image placement, links, music, animation, etc. People who design their sites using fancy web page creators with buttons and copy/paste features are merely controlling the HTML code via the program's graphic overlay. Underneath it all, the code's still there in its pure form. You can see it if you go to a webpage and then click View>Source from the top menu.

Easy Web Page Creation

You can create a professional-looking web page using HTML and the bare minimum of tools: a text program (such as Notepad) to write and save files in, a Web browser to view the files, and a photo-editing program such as Photoshop.
Ever visit a webpage and then click View>Source so you can stare at the "guts" and try to make sense of it? The text program that opens that page is the same one you'll use to create your own web page from scratch. Keep in mind, a text program is NOT the same as a word-processing program, such as Microsoft Word. If you use Word, you may accidentally save your file as a .DOC, and in doing so, create all kinds of coding problems that make your page look crazy. NEVER create web pages in Word!

Here are three salient points about writing HTML code.

1. Your text editing program does not recognize paragraph returns when you type them with the Enter key. You will separate your text manually, using HTML tags such as and .

2. HTML code does not differentiate between capitals and lowercase. Your tags can be typed either way and they'll still work no matter what.

3. HTML doesn't recognize Smart Quotes- those curly quote marks that Word and other word processing programs like to convert your straight quotes (or inch marks) into when you least expect it. HTML also doesn't recognize "curly" apostrophes (as opposed to straight ones, or footmarks). If you use these in your web documents, the computer will interpret them as code and fill your web page with gibberish. So DON'T USE SMART QUOTES OR CURVED APOSTROPHES!

Creating a Text Document: the Basis for Your Web Page

Start a new file in your text program such as Notepad, then save it with the .html extension. For example, you might name your file, "myfirstwebpage.html". Later, after you've entered your code into the text program, view the page as it will appear on the web by using a web browser such as Explorer or Netscape. Click File>Open, and then enter the name of your file. Viola! There's the web page that YOU created! The great thing about this feature is that you can keep on saving your text file and refreshing the browser page to track your progress.

Keep in mind that the pages you create and save as .html files won't be available for viewing on the internet until you publish them. This is done by purchasing a web hosting package through one of the major web hosting companies; for example, You're required to "rent a space" for each web domain you own. But that's a topic for another article entirely.

Now that you know how easy it is to create your own web page, it's time to uncover the "secret" to HTML! HTML is logic-based; and for those of us who love a good logic puzzle, this is truly a beautiful thing. If you're ready for some HTML web design revelations, read HTML Explained: Part 2!

Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.

Liked this article? Have more of the same emailed to your inbox each month. Sign up for the Copywriting and Marketing Ezine from Dina at and learn to write search engine friendly web copy and market your web based business for free.

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What Is The Best Way To Learn SEO?

One of the most commonly asked questions regarding search engine optimization is: "What is the best way to learn SEO"? The answer I always give to this question is simple yet complex. My answer to this question is always: "It Depends".

Now before you say that my answer is not a definitive response to the question - let me explain my answer to you.
Search engine optimization by its very nature is not a black and white concept. There is a lot of gray area in the field of search engine optimization SEO.

Thus, it is only natural for people who are trying to learn SEO to be totally confused about how and what to do in relation to learning SEO because there are so many options and opportunities available for people to learn search engine optimization.

Well, let's look closer at my answer to the question what is the best way to learn SEO: "It Depends".
My answer to the question is based purely on my viewpoint of education in general and learning new subject matter.

The fact that someone is trying to learn SEO is only the current situation for the individual. The real question that is being asked is what is the best way for the individual to learn and this depends on the individual.

For example, some people learn best using visual aids while others learn more through audio aids while still others learn better from reading books.

In the end, the best way to learn almost anything is to use a combination of these methods.

However, in our society today people have very little patience, so the visual method tends to be what many people prefer because frankly it is easier to apply and use; but in my experience, the "visual" method in the long run is the least effective method for individuals to utilize for retaining and applying new information.

With this being said, the best method for learning in my opinion is reading a well-written book related to the subject matter.

The book should include visual aspects in the material to enhance the learning experience and access to an instructor for reinforcement of the material that is read or it should be written in a manner that presents the material as if the author is actually sitting with the reader and explaining the information.

Therefore, my answer "it depends" regarding the question of what is the best way to learn SEO can be summarized this way.

"The best way to learn SEO is by reading an SEO book that is well written and covers the entire realm of SEO at the level of the actual reader so that a clear understanding can be conveyed. Hence, for beginners to the intermediate level, the material should be written for readers at that level in a manner that is best for them to learn SEO, which would be different than a book written for an advance SEO reader."

The main problem with reading SEO related books is that most of the books and ebooks sadly are not well written and the information is usually written in a manner that is not designed for the reader to learn but only for the reader to apply what was read. You or no one else can learn this way. It is easy to write a book; but is very hard to write a well-written book that helps an individual learn new material.

If you want to learn SEO, you need to read a good SEO book and/or eBook that actually provides the search engine optimization material in a comprehensive manner and also provides the material in an easy to read, easy to understand, effective and easy to apply manner for real world situations.

Don't fall victim to the hype. If you want to learn SEO, it will take time. A two-day SEO workshop, SEO videos and/or SEO online classes will not help you learn SEO. You can learn to apply specific information using these methods; but you will not learn SEO.

Search engine optimization is much more than a few techniques or tips. SEO is a field of expertise, which requires a strong understanding of all aspects related to SEO before you can truly learn SEO. Thus, it will take time. Remember, Rome was not built in a day.

If you want to learn SEO, you will need to do it the old fashion way by reading and applying the material from a good SEO book and/or ebook.

Remember when you were in grade school, middle school, high school and/or college were you ever just given a CD, video, two-day workshop or other similar methods to learn a subject? No, I will guess that you learned primarily from books or material derived from a book presented by an instructor.

On this note, a well-written SEO book, by an author, that presents the material as if he or she is talking to you can be the substitute for an instructor; but you will still need to read the book and apply what you learn. This has been a time-tested method of learning for hundreds of years around the world. The method will not fail you; however, you can fail the method.

Learn SEO by reading a very good SEO book today.

You can determine the SEO book to purchase and read by carefully reviewing the promotional material for the SEO book, reading objective book reviews regarding the SEO book, comparing the prices of the various SEO books, making sure that you purchase a book that is written to actually teach SEO and finally purchase an SEO book that provides a money back guarantee in case the book does not meet your expectations.

However, remember that you should never take advantage of a money back guarantee. The author worked hard to write the book. If you actually benefited from reading the book or ebook, don't ask for a refund just because you do not want to pay for the book. Always remember that what comes around goes around. Treat people fair and be honest in your dealings with others.

Read a well-written and comprehensive SEO book or ebook.
Eric Brown
SEO Tips 4 U
Learn SEO Today

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SEO - Google Sitemaps Explained

Once again I seem to be writing about Google. The reason Google keeps cropping up in these articles is that:
  • Google is a innovative company always coming up with new ideas to keep one step ahead of the competition.
  • Search Engines are the most important way that most webses generate new traffic.
  • Google is the most important of the Search Engines.
One of Googles latest implementations is a method of allowing web-designers and website owners to create specially formatted sitemap documents that inform and direct the Google robots. These sitemaps are a quick and easy way to keep your site constantly indexed and updated within the Google database and to ensure that all of your sites pages are crawled by the Google search engine robot. The program is called 'Google Sitemaps' and this is what Google themselves have to say about it:
Google Sitemaps is an experiment in web crawling. Using Sitemaps to inform and direct our crawlers, we hope to expand our coverage of the web and improve the time to inclusion in our index. By placing a Sitemap-formatted file on your webserver, you enable our crawlers to find out what pages are present and which have recently changed, and to crawl your site accordingly. Google Sitemaps is intended for all web site owners, from those with a single web page to companies with millions of ever-changing pages. If any of the following are true, then you may be especially interested in Google Sitemaps:
o You want Google to crawl more of your web pages.
o You want to be able to tell Google when content on your site changes.
What is a Google Sitemap?

The Sitemap protocol requires the sitemap to be present on your web-server in the form of an XML document. XML is simple code like HTML and it is used to syndicate your content to all interested parties. You may have seen it in use for syndicating weblog entries via RSS to a news-reader. In the case of Google Sitemaps, the XML document is syndicated to Google and their software uses it to ensure that the pages of your website are crawled and indexed.

Before the introduction of Google Sitemaps, website-owners had to rely on the Google robot to find all of a websites links in order to make sure that all the pages were indexed. The introduction of Google Sitemaps now gives website owners some control over this process. In additoin, the XML format of the sitemap document also gives you control over several key variables.

If we examine a very simple chunk of code from a basic Google sitemap XML document we can see the variables we now have control over.

<url><loc>URL HERE</loc><priority>1.0<
This part of code describes one page of a website, so a typical Google Sitemap document would contain similar chunks of code for every page contained within the website. As you can see each web page has 4 variables:

LOCATION - Simply the URL of the web page.

PRIORITY - A number from 0.0 to 1.0 allowing you to set the priority of a particular page within your website. This number is a relative setting and relates only to those pages within your site. It allows you to instruct Google to pay more attention to particular key pages within your website.

LAST MODIFIED - This tells Google when your web pages were last modified so preventing the robot from having to index pages that haven't changed since its last visit.

CHANGE FREQUENCY - This allows you to tell Google how often the content of a page is likely to change. You can set it to never, yearly, monthly, weekly, daily, hourly and always.
How do I create a Google Sitemap?

There are a number of ways to create a Google Sitemap document for your website.

The simplest but least controllable way is to use an online XML generator that will spider the pages in your website, and automatically create the XML file for you. With most you then have to upload the file to your web-server and inform Google of its presence. There are plenty of these scripts popping up and many of them are completely free.

The main disadvantage to using these online generators is that they need to be recreated each time you add new pages to your website. This won't be a problem for many website owners who rarely add new pages, but for those who are constantly adding new pages another approach may be better.

If you would like a little more control over the various parameters stored within your Google Sitemap XML document then a script that you configure and then upload to your web-server may be the answer for you. These are written in various scripting languages such as PHP or Perl and give you more control over your Google Sitemap. They do require some knowledge of scripting and installation to get them working which is beyond the scope of this article. Many however can be set up to run at regular intervals and not only spider your complete site and automatically generate your XML Google Sitemaps document but also upload it to the relevant place on your web-server and ping Google to tell them that the sitemap exists.

Finally you could use Googles own Sitemap generator which is a Python script and takes a little more knowledge to install and configure on your web-server. It also requires that Python 2.2 is installed on the server.

Note: These automatic Sitemap generators work by following the internal links within your website, any orphaned pages that are not linked to will not be included in your sitemap.

How do I submit my Sitemap to Google?

Whichever method you use to generate your Google Sitemaps document, you then need to submit it to Google. Most of the online generators and scripts will either do this for you or give you an option to do it once your XML document has been uploaded.

First, you should create a Google Sitemaps Account (which requires you to have a Google Account). This account enables Google to provide you with useful status and statistical information. The My Sitemaps page lets you know if there are problems with your Sitemap or with any of the URLs listed in it. Your Google Sitemaps account will also allow you to re-submit your Sitemaps document when you make changes to it.
Once your Sitemaps account is set up simply use the online forms to inform Google of the location of your new Sitemaps document and your site will soon be indexed.


Google Sitemaps give website owners the opportunity to inform Google about all the pages of their website. It should ensure that no pages are missed and also allows a certain degree of control over the relative importance of individual pages. Simply generating a Google Sitemaps document won't necessarily give you higher rankings within the search engines as you will still be competing with other websites for those top spots. Both on page Search Engine Optimisation and off-page promotion will still be essential. However, sitemaps make sure all your pages are crawled and indexed quickly by Google, and may therefore give you a competitive advantage over those websites that don't have a Google Sitemap.

Alan Cole runs, a one-person web design studio. His aim is to provide cost effective website design production and maintenance by offering professional web solutions that stand out from the crowd. Increasingly his work involves website promotion and Search Engine Optimisation as well as training courses on all aspects of web design and promotion.

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10 Most Valuable Free Google Marketing Tools

Google has become the dominant search engine on the Internet.
It would be hard to imagine a web without Google. For that
matter, it would now be hard to imagine a world without Google.
As frightening as that may seem to many people, it is none the
less true.

For better or worst, Google has permeated into almost every aspect
of our everyday life. Being Googled is now a common expression and
an act carried out by millions of users around the world each day.

New Google products and services are coming on stream at a frightening
pace, further increasing Google's impact on our lives.

Despite this dominating presence, many people still don't realize
Google offers some excellent free marketing tools for marketers
and webmasters. Marketing tools which can prove extremely valuable
to any webmaster or marketer trying to promote their sites or
products online. Useful tools that will make your promotions
easier and much more profitable.

Don't be fooled by the 'free' label, these marketing tools
might be free but there are also valuable. One even wonders
why Google would be giving away these tools and services for
free? It probably makes good business sense in the long
run, by providing these free tools Google is fostering a
lot of company good-will and building up the Google brand
name in the process. Good PR is good business.

Every marketer and webmaster should be taking advantage of
Google's good-will and snapping up these professionally run
services and marketing tools. Here's a quick run-down of
the 10 most valuable free Google Internet marketing tools:

1. Google Analytics

Perhaps the premier marketing tool offered by Google.
It will prove helpful to both the marketer and the webmaster.
Google Analytics gives you a daily snapshot of your web site. Google
Analytics analyzes your traffic, where it comes from and what it does
once it enters your site. You can monitor up to three sites
for free.

Google Analytics is extremely valuable in analyzing your
marketing funnel, it tracks all the steps leading up to your
sales or checkout page. Vital information for raising
your conversion rate and ROI.

You may be placed on a waiting list for this highly in
demand service from Google.


2. Google Sitemaps

Webmasters can use Google Sitemaps to almost instantly place
newly created pages on their site into the Google Search Index.
This is an XML file that is uploaded to Google as new pages
are added on your site. Needless to say this can be a valuable
service for any webmaster or marketer who wants to get their
information on the web quickly.


Smartphone Applications and Accessories

Every other person today wishes to own a Smartphone solely because of its amazing features and services. Smartphones today indeed can solve all problems within a fraction of a second. A person owning a Smartphone always wishes to download the most unique apps so that all tasks can be easily done. Some of the applications which a Smartphone user must install in his or her phone are as follows:

Security application
Every Smartphone must have a reliable security application so that it remains protected from virus and dangerous malware. A Smartphone consists of a lot of personal and confidential information like documents, presentations, files and many more. A reliable security application however fights against all the malicious apps and makes sure the phone is protected. Mostly all Android based Smartphone's are more prone to security threats. A few popular security applications are the AVG Antivirus, Lookout, Mobisecurity etc that lets you track your phone in case of phone loss on map and remotely wipe all details.

Productivity application
People who want to make simple to-do lists and want to pen down their ideas can do it with the help of productivity application. Smartphone users can download the best app from the app store. Some popular apps are the Milk (task list manager) Evernote (for syncing notes) sketchbook MobileX (a drawing application) and lastly Instapaper (for internet bookmarking)

Cloud -sync application
Though all phones working on iOS platform and Windows have an in-built cloud syncing, there are a few external cloud sync applications that are available for use in all kinds of smartphones. Dropbox a popular app syncs all files to the cloud across all devices. there is yet another service that lets users store all their content online. A few popular cloud-syncing apps are Funambol, OneMediaHub, SugarSync and GDocs for Android.

These were some useful applications for smartphones now let's have a look at some Smartphone accessories

Portable chargers
A Smartphone requires a lot of power and for that it requires a portable charger. The battery of Smartphones generally drain faster because people carry out lots of activities with their it. People who are frequent travelers necessarily require a portable charger. A portable outlet too is required for a Smartphone to gain full power. The iGeek Large Capacity Portable Charger however lets people charge their phone and tablet wirelessly.

Bluetooth Headsets
The market has different varieties of Bluetooth headsets to provide to Smartphone users. A Bluetooth headset lets people conduct conference call, discreetly check voicemails etc. A popular headset of the current trend is that of Jawbone Era.

Pico Projectors
The Jawbone Era headset which is a Pico projector case lets people project presentations while travelling. Apart from this it also protects phones. Different Smartphone users can buy different Pico projectors suiting their phone. A few Smartphones however have in-built projectors which prove to be very useful.

Considering the above mentioned few applications and accessories, we see that owning a Smartphone alone is not enough as it has to have the proper applications and accessories to get along. With growing popularity of smartphones it surely has the capacity of solving all requirements of people quickly and efficiently.

The Author is a content writer who have written many blogs and articles on different categories like ways of communication, fashion, Health, Education etc. Currently she is writing for Microlifeline ( [] ) a Free SMS Site

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